Australia's First Councils Go Live with Civica & Payble

This report examines why five leading Australian local government authorities have chosen to adopt the payment experience platform - Authority Payments powered by Payble. Please submit the form below to download your copy

What you will learn?

Learn from five leading councils in Wellington Shire Council (VIC), Town of Victoria Park (WA), Douglas Shire Council (QLD), Bega Valley Shire Council (NSW) & Moira Shire Council (VIC) & what they have gained by adopted a payment experience platform.

Increase the sophistication of your payments offering

Learn how you can offer features like PCI compliant credit & debit card payments, direct debit & flexible payments with installments

Create a best in class payment experience for all citizens

Uncover how you can improve the life of your ratepayers by making all payments take as little as five steps on any mobile or desktop device

Reduce staff time in processing and entering payments

Discover how you can save thousands of hours per year by eliminating forms, payment reconciliation & automatically resolve payment failures

Learn from experts

Learn more
about our payment
experience platform - book a demo

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