How to Manage Fines & Infringements for Local Government (Victoria Edition)

Discover how councils can streamline their infringement management to cut costs and boost efficiency. This resource delves into the current labor-intensive methods councils use for handling infringements, from issuing fines and managing payment plans to addressing unpaid fines through Fines Victoria. Learn how adopting innovative technology can internalize fine management, simplify processes, and improve both council operations and community satisfaction.

How we put this together

We gathered data through a detailed examination of current processes used by councils we've worked with to manage infringements. This involved analysing the steps taken from issuing fines and managing payment plans to handling unpaid fines through Fines Victoria. We identified inefficiencies and challenges, such as the manual and time-consuming nature of these processes, the financial implications of unpaid fines, and the effectiveness of fines recovery. This resource includes a case study from a mid-sized Victorian council, reviewing their success rates and costs associated with fines management, and highlights the potential benefits of leveraging innovative technology to improve these processes.

Manual Payment Plans

Managing payment arrangements internally is labor-intensive, often requiring 400 to 800 hours annually, with a 40% failure rate.

Lodgment with FinesVictoria

Councils pay an upfront fee to FinesVictoria, but only 30-40% of infringements are paid within 12 months, leading to delayed revenue and additional costs.

Proactive Management

Councils can recover more fines directly by adopting new technology, reducing reliance on Fines Victoria, and improving cash flow and cost efficiency.

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